Reports and Analysis

Endangered River Deltas.. Half a Billion People Face Risks

River deltas, such as the iconic Nile River Delta in Egypt, are scattered across the globe. These fan-shaped or triangular landforms at river mouths hold immense cultural, economic, and agricultural value due to their fertile soils. Despite their significance, these regions face mounting vulnerabilities as climate change accelerates. Scientists strive to develop effective solutions to safeguard these critical areas from escalating threats.

Why do forests need effective management?

Forests stand out in climate action negotiations, as they are one of the most important and effective climate solutions. Researchers and specialized scientists extensively study forests because they are crucial for combating climate change, are one of the most complex ecosystems, and are rich in biodiversity, making their preservation urgent.

The decline of ice in the Arctic threatens forms of life

Despite the harsh climatic conditions in the Arctic, many living organisms cannot survive there. However, there are numerous organisms that thrive in these cold regions, adapting only to the extreme weather conditions. This means they possess unique traits, which require preservation.